2206. That is the number of military deaths, not 2000 as widely reported on television. Let's really set the record straight. Going off the top of my head approximately 3,000 deaths on 9/11/01 + 2206 = 52206 military and civilian deaths (U.S.) since that horrible day.
I have no critcism of those wishing to honor America's war dead, but when they use the names as a political showcase because they do not like the current president, then I think they are very wrong and disrespectful.
First, they have demeaned the deaths of those serving in Afghanistan.
Then they demeaned those who died on 9/11.
Second, but using the boys and girls that paid the price for their country they have degraded their deaths by using them as pawns.
Third they have hurt their families.
My point is this, if we are going to "honor the fallen" as MSNBC did, then where are all the other names in this war on terror?
We really are fighting for our country over here. We are not fighting for oil (oh! I hate that expression!), neoconservatives or whatever. We are trying to keep a hatefilled, intolerant, bunch of hoodlums from getting their way.
As I often say to people I talk to, if these guys were in the U.S. they would be in jail a long time ago.
We cannot appease the terrorists. They murder children for what?
The Iraqis went to the polls and voted by the droves. They murder men and woman for what? The Iraqis return and start over. They really have lost the war here, but they keep on---it is all they know-murder.
So the next time you hear the "honor the fallen" think about what the fallen have done. They have allowed you to be free.