Teacher In The Sand

Husband, dad, son, brother, teacher who is deployed... My record of my life in the sand box.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Two Years Ago

This coming Friday will mark the day I left the school I teach at to report for mobilization. It is amazing that two years have passed since that Friday in November 2004. Let's take a look back...
It was September and I had been working down in our little pasture fixing fence (my daughter's horse likes to knock it down) and doing little "farm chores". As I came into the house my wife tells me that there is a message on the machine from a Colonel somebody. Well, the qoosebumps quickly went marching on my spine. Colonel's don't call sargents to pass the time of day.
As I hung up the phone, I quietly told my wife "I am going to Iraq".
The days went by and the DAY got closer and closer. I went to my supervisor and told them where I was going. I told my church family. I told my mom and dad.
And then the day came, the kids at school gave me surprise party, some parting gifts and we all took loads of photos.
And then I was gone.
People today ask me, "What was it like?" and say, have you seen the movie Groundhog Day?
And they nod yes and then I say that is what it was like.
And just like my father's generation, I pass on the questions and talk about something else.
My students today say "I am so bored!" and I respond, that is good! You want to be bored. Boring is very good!
I know what they mean. Actually what they don't know, is that they are discontented with things right now (or in teenage talk RIGHT NOW!).
I have really learned to be content. Now. Not in the future. Now.
I was blessed. I came home with everything attached. No scars, no missing fingers, toes, arms, legs.
I am thankful.
I don't have to dream of firefights and bodies.
I am thankful.
I didn't have it as rough as others did over there.
But it wasn't easy either.
Two years ago I left to go to war.
My, how time flies.


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