Teacher In The Sand

Husband, dad, son, brother, teacher who is deployed... My record of my life in the sand box.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Well, if these photos don't tell the story, then, yes! we are home finally! What was odd was that it is warmer in Ohio than it was in Kuwait! We were expecting artic cold conditions and stepped off the plane in to mid-50's! Whoa! That was nice. Even nicer was hugging my wife, my girls all at once. I didn't want to let go.

The next nicest thing back home are:

Getting to see my parents.

Getting to go to church and see all my friends.

Getting to see the Buckeyes beat (man handle) the Irish! Go Bucks!

No more AFN commericals on t.v. (inside joke there).

It sure is nice to be home. It is so quiet here in the country, no tanks, helicopters, booms, pops or other noises that seemed to be the constant background in Iraq. I just sat on the front porch the other night and listened to the quiet.

My wife was quite the trooper. All that she had to do while I was gone, get the roof done, a new water heater, a new water well pump, taking care of the yard, chasing animals out of our garage. I love her so much and am so proud of her this past year.

Also thanks to all those who helped out with out house, that crazy mower, the well, and just were supportive. My church for sending me a card everyday I was gone (wow!). For all the support I and my family received. Thanks!