Teacher In The Sand

Husband, dad, son, brother, teacher who is deployed... My record of my life in the sand box.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Take a Ride With Me

The other day we had to make a run "outside the wire". So I gathered up my platoon (I am filling in for our platoon sargent while he is on leave), explained what we were doing and what needed to be done. The day came and off we went! Come take a ride with me.
Out the gate we go-don't forget to load your weapon and put your earplugs in! Fasten your seat belt, (yes really) and here we go.
We drive through a small neighborhood. If it wasn't for the trash laying everywhere and the funny looking cars and buses, you would think you were in a neighborhood of the U.S.A. Everyone dresses like, well, us and our waiting to cross the street, sitting in an outdoor cafe drinking coffee, shopping, heading to work or just standing around talking.
As we zoom down the street, I think, how much nicer this place could be. Will it be?
Then the serenity is broken by a "pop!" and I hear over the radio, "warning shot fired"-someone got to close to our little convoy.
We complete our mission so we decide to stop and play tourist-tourists with an M-16. Hey mom! Look at me, here I am at the famous sword momument in Baghdad. It is big. Two large swords arching upward and crossed at the top. I momument to a war-a futile war that as my buddy remarked, not one inch of ground was gained. All those lives lost. And still more are dying-VBIEDS, IEDS, drive bys, you name it, they are killing each other. I heard just today-where are the protests against this? (reference Newsweeks' fiasco a while back).
Well, our photo moment is done and we load back up, check our weapons once more and go home, for a meal, shower, and bed. ...Until next day when I have to put that suit of armor on again...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Jacobs,

Everyone from Fairfield in your Anatomy class really misses you. Mrs. Owens is a great teacher but to be honest your better. We can't wait until the day you come back. Thank you for fighting for our freedom. All of us Americans appreciate that. God bless you. Please come home safely hopefully sometime this school year. We miss you.

6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Sandman, excuse me, Teacher in The Sand,

The old Web Steward here from "home". Got your very welcome note and fired off (bad choice of words?) a REAL LETTER (with stamp and all) so you can hold it in your hands and read it, and read it and then...it's yours for sure!

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Sandman,
we all miss you and thank you for what you are doing, were on a count down to graduation, stay safe we want you at our graduation day.

6:40 PM  

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