Teacher In The Sand

Husband, dad, son, brother, teacher who is deployed... My record of my life in the sand box.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Just another day?

0600, thats 6 am to you civillians. I decided to "sleep in" this day and get up at 06 instead of 0530. I was just heading to the shower house when there is a knock on the door. "Hey, can you go out with us this morning? Sorry for the short notice, but we are short one troop."
"Sure, no problem" and within the hour I am rolling out through Baghdad look for those nasty bombs they put along side the road. And again, I am amazed at the amount of trash that is just everywhere, but I also notice that a lot of it is disappearing. A little here, a little there.
It is a bright morning, and it would be a good morning for a drive, except that I am here to look out the window and look for anything that could be an IED.
To make the story short, nothing was found, and back inside we came. End of story.
The weather has turned around 180 degrees today-it has gotten windy, cloudy and cooler. So much so that I have dug out my polypro and put it on! And yesterday it was 80! I thought only Ohio flip flop with the weather like this.
I borrowed the second season of Smallville and everything turned out ok (in case you were wondering) and continuing on with my watching.
Along with the wind comes the dust and I am wondering if one of these famous sand storms I have heard about is on its way. Only time will tell.
You may have heard about the big battle where US and Iraqis took out an insurgent training center and killed a whole bunch of the bad guys. This is one case where less is more is true. Less insurgents and more peace, less bombings and more quiet, less actions and more likely we'll go home.
Well, that's all in the day of my live here in the sandbox. Enjoy your day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Janet and I sure appreciated Sharon and Jillian on the trip to Flores Magon. Sharon did a wonderful job speaking Spanish. Everyone that went on the trip are meeting at our house Sunday for lunch to critque the trip. Enjoyed your diary; God bless!!!

12:45 PM  

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