Teacher In The Sand

Husband, dad, son, brother, teacher who is deployed... My record of my life in the sand box.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Its Getting Hot Over Here

I don't mean temperature wise, even that is must enough, but the bad guys are getting very active with the temperature. Like some kind of insect on the Discovery Channel that becomes more active with the warming days. I wou ld take the nice cool days earlier in the year, but noooo! we have to act up in the heat! No doubt if you follow the news that you are aware of the events over here, so I don't need to rehash all of it. Let's just say that my trailer shook again this afternoon.
My job took me near some cool helicopters today, and I "played tourist" and out came the camera. My camera has a video feature and I have some really neat video of helicopters landing and taking off. Now I just need to get a ride on one of those babies!
Along with the heat also come the bugs. Mosquitos, and the notorious sand fly (not flea). The sand fly can make you itch, itch and sick, or itch and very sick. It is very small and I think those black dots flying around me are sand flies. Soooooo.....at night or at dusk I smell like deepwoods off or some other insect repellant. Ignore all the activist chants, wear your deet!


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