Teacher In The Sand

Husband, dad, son, brother, teacher who is deployed... My record of my life in the sand box.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Did I tell you it was hot?

I probably sound like a broken record, but it is hot, hot, hot and not getting cooler. Wake up, its hot, go to bed, its hot. Fortunately there is a/c in the hooches. It feels so good at the end of the day after standing in the sun. Drink lots of water, Gatorade, Kool-Aide and more water. And to think-it isn't even summer yet. Ugh!
Toby Keith is the item of the week! Yeah! Coming soon to a base near you! This week we are planning to see Toby in concert. Great!

When I think of home, I feel like time is standing still while I am here. When I return, life will have moved on and I will be the one behind the times. I will still be in 2004. One more "benefit" of being here.

Today I learned why we need to be here. During chapel service today the chaplin mention that they expect to uncover up to 1 million people buried in mass graves here in Iraq. All from the time of Sadaam. He ask a very good question, where were the insurgents then? Where were the so called "freedom fighters" then? And I ask where was the UN? Still thinking we are over here for oil? I think we are here for a better purpose-and this is one more evidence why.
Some people disagree with this-that we cannot be the world's policeman, that we can' t fix every bad leader of every down trodden nation; true, but we can lead my example. The example we led for 40 years freed eastern Europe, the example we have here will free the oppressed of every nation in this area. Give it time, freedom is hard to put back in the bottle once tasted.


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