A Day in the LIfe...
0530 Alarm goes off on watch and its time to get up---or snooze for maybe five no make it ten minutes...
0543 Put on fleece jacket, sandals, grab towel, shower shoes, shower stuff, razor and head outside to the latrine to shave and shower and all the other things you do in the morning.
0605 -0615 Come back to hooch and put on uniform, grab weapon and head to chow.
0620 What's for breakfast today? Bacon and eggs? Waffle? Of course juice, coffee, fruit, yogurt and maybe some Luck Charms today! Yes!
0700 or so, back in hooch, quick daily read of Purpose Driven Life and prayer time.
0730 Sargents of the platoon meeting then get the guys organized and off to work!
Working during the day......
Highlight of the day of course is lunch! Pizza maybe? Burger? My current desire, onion rings!
Maybe a salad, or sandwhich.
Back to work and work.
Off work, some PT (physical training, in other words the gym).
Grab some supper and back to my hooch. Watch a little of I Love Lucy on DVD and then hit the sack and get some sleep. Then starts another day....just like before.
There are some interruptions:
Maybe some mortars drop in for a visit. If you hear them, then you are still here. Just carry on with your business.
Hear some booms? How far away? That loud one was a rocket landing nearby.
Far ones are outside the wire...car bombs maybe?
Other distractions: airplanes to watch, helicopters to watch, amoured vehicles going by;
Beautiful sunsets and rises. Blue skies with touch of white clouds, the birds swooping around looking for a free meal.
That is the day in my life. Not too exciting. Kinda boring. Sometimes the days are long, sometimes they are short.
0543 Put on fleece jacket, sandals, grab towel, shower shoes, shower stuff, razor and head outside to the latrine to shave and shower and all the other things you do in the morning.
0605 -0615 Come back to hooch and put on uniform, grab weapon and head to chow.
0620 What's for breakfast today? Bacon and eggs? Waffle? Of course juice, coffee, fruit, yogurt and maybe some Luck Charms today! Yes!
0700 or so, back in hooch, quick daily read of Purpose Driven Life and prayer time.
0730 Sargents of the platoon meeting then get the guys organized and off to work!
Working during the day......
Highlight of the day of course is lunch! Pizza maybe? Burger? My current desire, onion rings!
Maybe a salad, or sandwhich.
Back to work and work.
Off work, some PT (physical training, in other words the gym).
Grab some supper and back to my hooch. Watch a little of I Love Lucy on DVD and then hit the sack and get some sleep. Then starts another day....just like before.
There are some interruptions:
Maybe some mortars drop in for a visit. If you hear them, then you are still here. Just carry on with your business.
Hear some booms? How far away? That loud one was a rocket landing nearby.
Far ones are outside the wire...car bombs maybe?
Other distractions: airplanes to watch, helicopters to watch, amoured vehicles going by;
Beautiful sunsets and rises. Blue skies with touch of white clouds, the birds swooping around looking for a free meal.
That is the day in my life. Not too exciting. Kinda boring. Sometimes the days are long, sometimes they are short.
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