Teacher In The Sand

Husband, dad, son, brother, teacher who is deployed... My record of my life in the sand box.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

We arrived at our training and mob site, which makes you wonder about things. Here we are, getting ready to go to a very hot place and we are training in a northern clime, in late fall! The army makes you wonder...see the photo of what our base looks like.
You cannot go anywhere in the service without getting shots and more shots and we got our share, but I didn’t get as many as others.
And, the army gives you more gear than you can carry (see my photo of my gear all packed up).
The longer you are in the service, the more stuff you accumulate, which means you have to carry somewhere, sometime, and the time is now. I plan on not taking very much with me, just what I have to, must need and am required. It is just too heavy!
What does a civilian go through during mobilization to active duty? Well, without boring you with the details, basically it is just standing in line a lot, eating the basic same food everyday (with the institutional blandness) and getting up too early in the morning. Actually, on that last one, I only get up one-half an hour earlier each day now. But the days are longer. I miss my afternoon nap time!
I have also posted a photo I tried to take as we left for our mob site. There were people all along the streets waving and holding signs as we drove through town


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